
The following screen shot from the Veracity web UI shows the resulting DAG from the 26 changesets just completed by Harry and Sally.

The following table summarizes all 21 commands for Veracity. See Table A.1, “Commands” in Appendix A, Comparison Table for a comparison of Veracity’s commands with other tools.

OperationVeracity Command
Createvv init
Checkoutvv checkout
Commitvv commit
Updatevv update
Addvv add
Deletevv remove
Renamevv rename
Movevv move
Statusvv status
Diffvv diff
Revertvv revert
Logvv log
Tagvv tag
Branchvv branch
Mergevv merge
Resolvevv resolve
Lockvv lock[b]
Clonevv clone
Pushvv push
Pullvv pull

[a] Automatic: Veracity will notice that the file has changed.

[b] Veracity locks must be explicitly removed.